Your HVAC is a vital system to keep you comfortable during hot or cold days. However, over time, your reliable system may experience snags that only an expert in heating and air conditioning in Snellville, GA, can handle. When this happens, prepare and be sure to contact only the most reputable professional in your area.
Most often, your HVAC will crash at a most inopportune time, and one of the reasons is extreme fluctuations in temperature. You’ll notice ice building up on your AC coils if your system has overloaded. Another primary sign is the inability of your AC to cool down a room or an area.

Causes of HVAC Overload:
Airflow Restriction
When there is a dent or kink in the coil, it restricts airflow within the tubes. It causes the condensation on the AC coil to freeze over quickly and become ice. The AC is unable to cool down a room as a result. Using the AC continuously with frozen coils will damage it even further, so get in touch with an air conditioning service in Snellville, GA, immediately once you notice signs of airflow restriction.
Obstruction occurs when dirt accumulates in the filter, and it substantially reduces the air flow in the evaporator coils. Similarly, the condensation then freezes over, decreasing the optimal performance of your AC. On the other hand, with your heating system, clogged air filters will also cause your system to work double the effort and cause problems with your electricity bill. Air filters need routine maintenance depending on use.
Overuse During Extreme Weather
HVAC systems may also break down due to age and overuse. It’s essential to allow regular time for cleaning and maintenance. That way, you will immediately know if the small parts and the whole system’s performance need replacement or repair. Again, the best way to prevent an expensive breakdown of your HVAC is to regularly employ a heating and air conditioning service in Snellville, GA.
Some other reasons for overloading are small animals chewing away on the electrical, intense and frequent power fluctuation, an inadequate power source for a newly-installed system. Always hire professionals to inspect and maintain your HVAC to ensure that all of the critical parts are working correctly.