Hazards Associated with DIY HVAC Repair

Nov 8, 2019

These days, if you can’t find a do-it-yourself video explaining how to make a home repair, there’s a good chance you just haven’t looked hard enough. Thanks to online videos and internet instructional guides, many homeowners have taken a can-do approach to home repairs in the interest of saving money on labor. While it’s admirable to reduce your household overhead by making many repairs around the house yourself, there are some areas involved in household maintenance and repair that are better left to professionals.

One such household system that should be left to the pros is your home HVAC system. Home HVAC repair involves specialized knowledge and equipment, and given the cost of the system, there’s great risk in attempting HVAC repair as an amateur. You could irreparably damage your system, which could cost you thousands. You could also injure yourself, since HVAC system repair isn’t without its perils if you aren’t trained to work on residential systems. Keep reading to learn why AC and heating repairs at your home are best left to a professional HVAC repair service in Snellville, GA.

HVAC Repair Can Be Dangerous

When it comes to HVAC repair, there are some inherent hazards which can make it dangerous for untrained homeowners to attempt DIY repairs. First, many HVAC systems are in the attic of your home, so accessing them involves working at elevation. That alone can be hazardous, especially if you’re not accustomed to routinely using a ladder. Also, your HVAC system uses a tremendous amount of electrical energy. That means that if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, you could risk electrical shock while attempting HVAC repairs. Your AC also utilizes refrigerants and other chemicals to accomplish its goals, and without proper safety equipment and training, a DIY homeowner could release those gases and chemicals. That can result in a hazard for everyone in the vicinity.

You Need Special Equipment

You can’t just climb into the attic with your handyman toolbox and expect to be able to fix your HVAC system. HVAC units often require specialized tools for diagnosing problems and making repairs, and they aren’t the kind of tools that the average homeowner owns. Without those special tools, however, attempts at repairs could result in irreparable damage to your system. And needlessly replacing your HVAC system because of a bungled DIY repair can irreparably damage your bank account.

Incomplete or Improper Repairs

It takes experience and a great deal of expertise to successfully diagnose and repair an HVAC system. Without that working knowledge, you may be more likely to misdiagnose an HVAC problem and subsequently make the wrong repair. Also, sometimes small issues are indicative of larger problems with your HVAC system. A professional will recognize those signs and make the proper repair to protect your system. A DIY homeowner, however, may fix only the small problem while ignoring the bigger issue, thus putting the life of the entire HVAC system in jeopardy.

HVAC Knowledge Is Complex

Knowing the fundamentals of HVAC systems and how they work may be helpful to the average homeowner, but that passing knowledge can’t match the expertise of a trained technician and installer. Only pro techs who have been in the HVAC field for years can serve as the authorities on your system requirements and specifications. For example, you may think that you can install a new HVAC system in your home. However, only a professional can accurately determine the size of unit you’ll need to adequately heat and cool your square footage. By going it alone, you risk spending a great deal of money on a unit that, if inappropriately sized, will never perform the way it should.

If you’re thinking of taking a DIY approach to HVAC repairs, think again. While a do-it-yourself approach to home maintenance is admirable, attempting to repair or install an HVAC system without the proper knowledge, tools, and experience can be problematic. If you’re in need of HVAC repair in Snellville, GA, contact Emperor Cooling & Heating at (770) 918-8187.