Best Energy Practices with Your HVAC

Nov 18, 2020

best-energy-practices-with-your-hvac - looking at bills

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is one of the major investments for any house. It keeps the building cool or warm according to the outside temperature in order to keep you comfortable. It’s also important to notice that your HVAC system makes up a considerable part of your electricity bills.


How to Save on Energy Bills

According to the US EIA (Electricity Information Administration) survey, in 2019 the electricity consumption by both residential and commercial sectors was a staggering 380 billion kWh. Energy.Gov states that HVAC consumes six percent of the total electricity each year. Moreover, according to EnergyStar.Gov, you can save up to 30 percent of electricity consumption by following the HVAC best practices and also avoiding installation mistakes.

Here’s a list of best energy-saving practices that you can use to save a considerable amount of money on your electricity bills.


Install the Right Equipment Correctly

The very first step is to choose the right equipment that exactly matches your needs. You don’t want a too small or too large system. Not only will it cause problems, but it will also increase the electricity bills drastically. Moreover, you also have to make sure that your HVAC professional avoids making installation mistakes. 


Energy Efficient Equipment

While choosing your HVAC system, one of the most important considerations is energy efficiency. Consider choosing the system with a higher SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating.


Regular Maintenance

Once you have your HVAC system installed, you need to make sure that you get the air duct cleaning and filter replacement services on time. Not only does it provide comfort by preserving air quality, but it also protects you from big and expensive problems.


Mitigate HVAC Usage During Peak Hours

Using your HVAC system during peak hours can significantly increase your electricity bill. We recommend you to be more strategic about your HVAC usage timings. Every region has its own peak hours, but mostly they start in the afternoon. Consider using your HVAC system in the earlier hours of the day. It will allow you to save a considerable amount of money over time.

Always Use Automated Controls

Using automated controls allows you to save on your electricity bills. That’s because it adjusts your building’s air output and atmosphere according to the outside conditions of temperature. You can use variable-speed fans, blower controls, and programmable thermostats to automate your HVAC settings. That way, the daily energy consumption decreases because of efficient cooling and heating.


Replacement and Repairs

You don’t want to wait until your HVAC system’s life cycle ends because it increases the cost dramatically. It’s advisable to use the rule of thumb that allows you to determine when to replace or repair your HVAC system. Consider replacing your HVAC system when your cost of repair exceeds 30 percent of the brand-new system. It will allow you to find out when you should purchase the new system and what repair works are worth your spending.



These are some of the most important energy-saving tips that you can practice to reduce your electricity bills. We hope that this guide will also help you to find the best equipment and how to use it most efficiently.