10 Ways to Ensure Your Workplace AC Remains Reliable

Jul 24, 2024

Imagine walking into the office on a warm summer day, only to start sweating even more than you were outside. You look around to see the entire staff looking equally uncomfortable. You have an AC system installed, so you start to wonder what gives.

If this situation sounds all too familiar, it’s time to invest in commercial HVAC maintenance and give your unit a little TLC. Here are 10 ways you can make sure your air conditioning stays up and running all summer long, protecting both you and your team from the sweltering temperatures outside:

Why Commercial HVAC Maintenance Matters

The average full-time employee spends over 2,000 hours at work every year, which is about 167 hours every month. However you look at it, that’s a lot of time to spend slowly melting in the Georgia summer heat, especially when you’re trying to get things done.

If you keep your AC in top shape, your team will feel happier, more comfortable, and more productive—not to mention healthier. In 2022, over 1,700 people died from heat-related causes in the US. Working in an air-conditioned environment protects employees from the dangerous consequences of heat stroke, dehydration, etc., allowing them to keep coming to work healthy.

How Can I Make Sure My Workplace AC is Reliable?

From hiring commercial HVAC maintenance services to simply leaving space around vents, there’s a lot you can do to ensure your AC won’t give out on the hottest day of the year:

1. Use the Appropriate Unit Size

Double-check that your AC unit installed is appropriately sized for the space it needs to cool. An undersized unit will struggle to maintain desired temperatures, while an oversized unit will cycle on and off inefficiently, increasing wear and tear. If you’re not sure how to tell if you have the right unit size, consult a trusted company that specializes in commercial HVAC maintenance.

2. Install Your System in the Shade

Positioning your AC unit in a shaded area can significantly improve its efficiency. Direct sunlight can heat up the unit and make it work harder, increasing the likelihood of breakdowns and quicker deterioration.

3. Keep Up on Maintenance

Just as you take your pet to the vet for regular checkups, you need to hire a professional to perform commercial HVAC maintenance on your unit. This increases its longevity and helps identify issues before they become costly repairs. Scheduling a special visit from a professional technician to inspect and service your AC system before the onset of hot weather is wise.

4. Pay Attention to Performance

Monitor the performance of your AC system and address any irregularities or declines in performance soon. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into major repairs. If you hear strange sounds from your system, feel hot air, etc., call your commercial HVAC maintenance company right away.

5. Fix Leaks Promptly

An especially important repair to address quickly is leaks. Any leaks in the system should be fixed immediately to preserve efficiency and prevent water damage. Unaddressed leaks can lead to more significant issues and costly repairs down the line.

6. Regularly Clean and Replace Filters

Dirty filters can strain your system, reducing its effectiveness and lifespan. Clean and replace the air filters often to create optimal airflow and efficiency. A good baseline is to check your filters once a month and clean or replace them as needed. Recruit help from a commercial HVAC maintenance service to make sure your filters are adequate.

7. Be Strategic with Thermostat Settings

During the evenings, weekends, or holidays, set the thermostat to a higher temperature or turn the AC off completely if you can safely do so. This will save you money in energy bills, benefit the environment, and decrease unnecessary wear on your system, reducing the need for repairs.

8. Utilize Fans

Fans assist with air circulation, which reduces the load and wear and tear on your AC system. By strategically placing fans throughout the office, you’ll help distribute the cool air and maintain a consistent temperature throughout the space.

9. Don’t Block Vents

Make sure no furniture or office equipment blocks the airflow from vents and registers—give them plenty of space to circulate the air through the office. Obstructed airflow can make the system work harder, reducing its effectiveness and efficiency.

10. Hang Blackout Curtains

Use blackout curtains to block out heat from the sun, keeping your workspace cooler and reducing the effort required from your AC system. Keeping the space cooler naturally can prolong the life of your AC unit and improve its reliability.

Keep Your Team Cool with Emperor

At Emperor Cooling & Heating, we know you care about your employees and your business. Keeping your workplace safe and comfortable is essential to have a healthy, productive team during the summer.

That’s why we’ve been offering first-rate, speedy HVAC maintenance and service at an affordable price for over 20 years. Whether you’re needing a tune-up, simple repairs, routine maintenance, or a full replacement or installation, we’ve got you covered. Call Emperor today, and let’s get started on cooling down your office.